If I asked you to tell me the name of a woman of the past with a strong and assertive temper, who would you think of? Cleopatra? Joan of Arc? Well, surely they are among the best known. But let me introduce to you a slightly less known lady: her name is Maria Mancini (1639 – 1715). Does her name mean anything to you? No problem. Maybe I’ll help you by mentioning Cardinal Mazarin. Definitely more familiar, isn’t it? So Maria is nothing but one of the grandchildren of the cardinal right-hand man of the king of France. Born in Rome on a warm day in late August, under the sign of the Virgin, her father was a baron devoted to astrology and necromancy; perhaps these paternal interests will push the young and intelligent Maria to write a couple of treatises on astrosophy. While still a young girl, she moved with her family to Paris; her mother’s idea obviously was to make the girls marry to the best bachelors. Well, Maria (who now calls herself Marie) hits the jackpot by getting very familiar with the King of France, Louis XIV. It is rumored that they have a relationship that goes far beyond friendship. In reality it is not true: the relationship with the king is purely Platonic, only an spiritual affinity.
However, the gossip does not cease and Marie’s mother starts to consider her a “troublemaker”, also thanks to a horoscope that confirms the idea: the best thing for Marie is to end up in the convent. But this will never happen.
Marie returns to Italy (so from now on I will resume calling her Maria) to marry Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna, who is surprised to find that the young woman is still a virgin. Ouch, the gossip! Now, imagine the situation. A young and sufficiently attractive woman devoted to the social life of the French court is thrown into the city of the popes, where, at that time, there is a certain rigorism: certainly not the ideal situation to impress your loved one. But … you would do anything for your significant other, wouldn’t you? Lorenzo Onofrio does not hesitate to re-propose the pomp of the French courts (if we will go together to Palazzo Colonna you will better understand what I mean), organizing theatrical events and various entertainments to brighten the days of the exuberant wife. She also likes wearing provocative necklines, walking alone through the streets of the city. During the carnival, all disguises that allude to emancipated women, really existed or not, were her favourite . In short, not exactly what suits to a good family mother. Yes, because the main purpose for a woman at the time was to give birth. And Maria will have 3 children. I know what you are thinking: today having 3 children is madness, at that time they were very few. Well, our friend realizes that she no longer wants to churn out babies and we could even imagine the reason: back then pregnancies and deliveries were not exactly a piece of cake. So she talks about it with her husband, who obviously doesn’t approve and would like to have some more. The relationship between the two becomes tense, Maria even fears being murdered and that’s why she makes a decision: to run away. Yes, but how? Dressing up as a man, together with her sister and embarking to return to France, where she hopes to be welcomed, who knows, maybe by her first platonic love.
But do you believe that a man with wounded pride can stand it without doing anything? Not at all. The affront perpetrated by Maria makes Lorenzo Onofrio undergoing to a couple of humiliations in public life. And so he manages to ensure that all European courts may shut her out. Nonetheless, Maria will never return to Italy until she is dead. If you want to say hello to her, you can find her in the church of the Holy Sepulcher in Pisa.
And you? What would you have done in her place? Would you have stayed with your husband or would you have pursued your freedom?